Friday, March 14, 2014

Taco Tuesday!

I haven't posted FOREVER! Not because I haven't been doing anything..but because I've probably been doing way too much. Lots of progress renovating the old Theater I've mentioned before, little projects around the house, and nicer weather setting in. But.. I digress.
I bought a small pork shoulder on a recent grocery trip. After drying it off a bit, I pierced it all over with a paring knife and dry-rubbed it all over with taco seasoning. I then stuffed it into a bowl and poured a little taco sauce over top of it. I left like this - covered - in the fridge overnight, and stuck it in the crock pot (with a little apple cider vinegar and a lot of water) on low while I was at work. Come 6 o'clock, it was shredded and INCREDIBLY tender. It didn't have a ton of seasoned flavor to it.. but that was fine - I got to use it for BBQ pork the next day!   
We had our avocados, refried beans, queso, salsa, sour cream, and more. This was pretty low key and store bought...I figured I made the pork, I didn't have to try too hard on the rest of it ;)
While we're in the kitchen: I was really intrigued by this when I saw it online, so I thought I'd try it.
3M Command Hooks attached to the inside of a cupboard door to hang your pot lids - it actually saves a lot of space..and now they aren't banging around in the cabinet every time I go looking for something. Quick and easy! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

How to Paint a Perfect Corner. Like...REALLY.

I've been BUSY lately! So busy that I haven't posted here for quite a little while..but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on new projects :)
Because I needed to redo a little window trim in the dining room and bedrooms, I decided to give all three rooms a refresher. I repainted the ceilings, trim/baseboard, and walls. The dining room walls were the most interesting, because I got to try a technique I saw online: how to paint the perfect inside corner with two different paint colors.

Step 1: I actually didn't get a picture of this, but step one is to overlap one color over the other slightly. Let that color dry, and press your painters tape down firmly to the wall and massage it into the little gaps created by the wall texture. seen here. Taping is Step 2 :)
Be sure to put the tape EXACTLY where you want it, because the line will only be as crisp and perfect as your tape.
Step 3: Paint over the taped corner with the same color you overlapped before.

Any time you use painters tape on a textured wall it bleeds through and you don't actually get the straight line like they do in the commercials. This technique actually lets the paint bleed through, but it doesn't matter because the paint that bleeds is the same colors as the wall beneath it. This will also create a barrier for..
Step 4: Paint the corner with the second wall color. In this case, blue/grey.
Step 5: Apply two coats to make sure everything is properly covered, and remove your tape.
Voila! Crisp, clean, and relatively easy one you've got the concept mastered.
Will definitely be using this one again!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bragging :)

I mentioned in my last post that there was some excitement over the Christmas holiday.
Here she is :)
My first niece, Isla (Eye-la) Mae was born December 26, 2013.
6 lbs. 12oz. and 19" of perfection :)

Post-Holiday Juice Cleanse

I don't think I'm the only one who over-indulged this holiday season, but I do know that I entered into a serious food coma last night. After all the excitement we experienced this year - and ALL THE FOOD I consumed - I left the office yesterday, had a quick dinner, and fell asleep sitting up at 6:00.
That said, I asked for and received a juicer for Christmas from my grandparents - hopefully, a strong shot of vitamins and nutrients will help to shock me back into a diet that makes some sense!
I have done some reading on these sorts of cleanses, and I'm going to give it a shot to see what kind of difference it makes, if any. My first experiment was three medium-sized carrots and two Granny Smith apples. I have to was delicious!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Capitol II Theatre - Newton, Iowa

I snapped a quick picture while visiting the Capitol II Theatre in Newton, Iowa last week - the place does show its age in places, but it's really gorgeous and has great potential!
Newton is half an hour north of us, and the owners of the theater there are going through many of the same things that our group here in Knoxville is, or will be once we start renovations and the digital conversion at our theater. It's nice to have friends in the industry! :)
If you're in the area, stop by and check them might even meet Joy, the family pig that helps with popcorn cleanup after showings!
Our project: Grand Theater - Knoxville, Iowa - PO Box 151, Knoxville, Iowa  50138
All donations are tax deductible, and we would LOVE to have your support! :)
Just the other day, we received a donation from this woman's granddaughter! This was the owner of two movie houses here in Knoxville through the 1930's and 40's - this photo (and several others she shared with us) were taken inside the Grand and will be tremendously useful during our renovation!

Monday, December 2, 2013


This year was the first year in over a hundred years that Thanksgiving and the first night of Hanukkah have overlapped, leading the Internet to coin the term Thanksgivukkah!
Seeing the opportunity to host a big dinner and loving the concept of being part of a once in a lifetime event, several friends and I decided we'd get together the day after Thanksgiving to commemorate the day.
Frying in oil, as is tradition: Potato latkes.
Pretty delicious..but what's not to love about fried potatoes and onions?
Getting everything set before people started arriving. I started making desserts and seasoning the brisket a couple days in advance. Then, for about 10 minutes before everybody came, I popped everything onto sheet pans and warmed it in the oven so it would be warm, flavorful, and delicious when we all sat down to eat. 
My twist on an Ina Garten brisket recipe - tender and delicious..falling apart! (I studded mine with slivers of garlic cloves, added a little brandy and red wine to the vegetables as they sauteed, and covered the brisket with chicken stock and water before popping into the oven for 3 1/2 hours)
Roasted carrots from the same Dutch oven as the brisket, roasted balsamic red onions, fingerling potatoes with garlic aioli, Brussels sprouts, latkes, several different flavors of rugelach, a rustic pear, apple, and cranberry tart, and a huge challah to break with friends. Wash it down with a little manischewitz, and you've got yourself a feast!
There were leftovers....but there weren't THAT many leftovers! The sign of a successful night :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

HUGE News! :)

So, a while back I showed a picture of our local Theater and mentioned that we would soon be purchasing the building and renovating/reopening it. That process took a BIG step yesterday morning when we were presented with a check large enough to secure ownership of the property and start in on our projects! :D 
A rather 'large' check, indeed!
Our hope is to not only update and modernize the interior systems (including electrical, HVAC, the restrooms, and new digital projection and sound equipment), but to bring back what history still exists in the building.
For example, this beautiful brick facade has simply been covered up for the last 75 years - first by large glass tiles in an Art Deco style, then by metal siding. We'll strip the siding off, re-point the brick where needed, and replace the short, wide window and bold, neon signage over the marquee.
So. Stinkin'. Exciting!
The Grand Theater
An investment in this project is an investment in the entire town and our future. Not only will the reopening of this business create a couple part-time jobs in its own right, but it will help to support and complement countless other businesses in town, not to mention boost local housing sales, and create a greater pull for new businesses and business expansion within the community.
Of course, the most direct benefit is that we'll have our theater back! The place we all went for our first dates; the place many of our grandparents went for their first dates! A place to take part in the shared experience of being entertained, educated, and expanded beyond our current possibilities. In addition to new and classic films and film festivals, we'll host smaller live performances and special community events, speakers and lecture series, poetry readings and community theater. It's going to be a true jewel for our Downtown District, and for the region as a whole. Once we're operational and sustaining ourselves, any net proceeds generated by this business - if not reinvested into the Foundation - will be poured right back into the community. Very, very cool.
Our total project goal is $500,000 - if you or someone you know would have any interest in contributing to this project, please let us know! We're a 501(c)(3) Public Charity, and any contributions made to our group will be tax-deductible and VERY well utilized!
The Grand Theater Foundation, PO Box 151, Knoxville, Iowa  50138