Tuesday, November 19, 2013

HUGE News! :)

So, a while back I showed a picture of our local Theater and mentioned that we would soon be purchasing the building and renovating/reopening it. That process took a BIG step yesterday morning when we were presented with a check large enough to secure ownership of the property and start in on our projects! :D 
A rather 'large' check, indeed!
Our hope is to not only update and modernize the interior systems (including electrical, HVAC, the restrooms, and new digital projection and sound equipment), but to bring back what history still exists in the building.
For example, this beautiful brick facade has simply been covered up for the last 75 years - first by large glass tiles in an Art Deco style, then by metal siding. We'll strip the siding off, re-point the brick where needed, and replace the short, wide window and bold, neon signage over the marquee.
So. Stinkin'. Exciting!
The Grand Theater
An investment in this project is an investment in the entire town and our future. Not only will the reopening of this business create a couple part-time jobs in its own right, but it will help to support and complement countless other businesses in town, not to mention boost local housing sales, and create a greater pull for new businesses and business expansion within the community.
Of course, the most direct benefit is that we'll have our theater back! The place we all went for our first dates; the place many of our grandparents went for their first dates! A place to take part in the shared experience of being entertained, educated, and expanded beyond our current possibilities. In addition to new and classic films and film festivals, we'll host smaller live performances and special community events, speakers and lecture series, poetry readings and community theater. It's going to be a true jewel for our Downtown District, and for the region as a whole. Once we're operational and sustaining ourselves, any net proceeds generated by this business - if not reinvested into the Foundation - will be poured right back into the community. Very, very cool.
Our total project goal is $500,000 - if you or someone you know would have any interest in contributing to this project, please let us know! We're a 501(c)(3) Public Charity, and any contributions made to our group will be tax-deductible and VERY well utilized!
The Grand Theater Foundation, PO Box 151, Knoxville, Iowa  50138

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