Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Roughing It"

When I titled this entry, I knew I was completely full of it. I am in no way roughing it, as the name would imply. Though I have to make do without some of the things you might expect in a house…namely, a kitchen.
The kitchen has been somewhat delayed because my cabinet maker may or may not be going to prison. Which is interesting..
Initially, we thought we would build the cabinets ourselves because my former roommate/Dad has experience doing it. Then the jailbird..excuse me: potential jailbird stepped in and said he could do it better, faster, cheaper..blah blah blah. I don’t know how many times I’m going to fall for that line.
To (hopefully) put you at ease: he isn’t going to jail for butchering children or small animals. (For your own future reference, there is apparently a limit to the number of times you can get pulled over while driving and reeking of whiskey.) I trust the work he does..just not the personal choices he makes. My main concern was that he shows up when he said he was supposed to and do the work he said he was going to do. Now that I know that won’t happen, I get to regroup: He called the other night and said he didn’t want to start on it this close to his court date.
There is no shortage of interesting circumstances, is there?
I’ve looked at buying stock cabinets from IKEA, but I’m just not sold on that idea. I know they’re reasonably good cabinets for their price, but the styles aren’t what I’m looking for and the sizes are what they are..No customizing.
I’m also going to look at purchasing cabinets from a home store. To this point, I haven’t looked at stock cabinets at all because I’ve been on the build-my-own track for a while now.
Anyway, as I said, I’m doing without a “kitchen” and have since made my own. While washing dishes in the bathroom sink isn’t as convenient, the cooking setup isn’t horrible.
I have a big cutting board and a toaster. Who needs more?
I made a roast beef with vegetables and mashed potatoes the other night, and an apple crisp Monday night. Anytime I’ve ever lived on my own I’ll make these big family-sized meals and eat the leftovers for a week. Most of the time I’ll make two different meals so I can eat one thing for lunch and the other for dinner. That’s my solution to cooking for one. Plus, if someone comes over around dinner time, I have plenty of home-cooked food to offer them!
My "pantry" in the laundry room all ready to go. I've never had a spot like this before, and so far I'm really, really liking it!
Oh! Tomorrow is my birthday – the big 2-5. The number itself isn’t that big of a deal..I won’t be paying that additional fee to rent a car. But I never rent cars anyway..  No, this birthday will be a big one because I’ll be spending it with friends in my new, old house J

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck..

We have been woodchucks here at the house the last few nights. Chucking old wood trim up onto the wall and giving things a more finished look. Granted, I still have holes to fill and another coat or two of paint to apply, but things are looking really good so far!
The old trim we're using came from the house next door that's being demolished soon. It has these nice blocks at the baseboard level that make the doors look like somebody wealthy lives in this house instead of me :)
The molding over my bedroom door - the kitchen side.
My bedroom door from the inside. Fancy pants.

The trim around the window in the office.

The doors and windows that I know how to trim have been trimmed, and now I’m waiting for my knowledgeable reinforcements for guidance on the pocket doors and longer window “tops” to match the molding over the doors.
Aside from that, we vented the dryer and I did my first FULL load of laundry in the house. It was a very successful first run, and very nice to not have to lug a bag of clothes to a laundry far, far away. I’m also having a water softener installed. Water softeners might be more of a Midwest thing: when you talk to people out East, they kind of look at you funny. Because of the mineral content in the water here and the damage it can do to faucets and water heaters – not to mention how dry it makes your skin in the middle of winter – it’s a nice thing to have.
Otherwise, I’ve been nurturing my little Wal-Mart plants, testing out my new toaster, and getting my things organized.
And eating dinner, of course..
The garage has been taken over by sawdust and lumber again for the trim projects, so I have had to scrape the ice off my windshield in the mornings before work, but I can deal with that.

IKEA finally came through for me! BOTH lights hanging in the dining room!
The register covers I got for the hardwood floors. They have a brushed finish that doesn't come across in this picture, but I think they look pretty alright.
Things are coming along – trim isn’t as big a deal as I had made it out to be. Once the doors are finished up, we can start on the baseboard.. I bought all kinds of lumber last weekend for that project, and I’m excited to get started. What a difference THAT will make!  

Monday, February 6, 2012

IIIIIIII'm Movin' Out!

I'm almost ready for company!
The vanity - the container on the right is full of extra towels. The container on the left is for all of my bathroom junk. 
I went a little crazy on the tiny plants last night.. I've been looking forward to turning the entryway into my mini greenhouse, though. No time like the present!
Looking through the kitchen into the dining room and living room at the piles of moving.
A nice sturdy metal shelving unit for extra storage in the laundry room.
The bookshelves and my borrowed recliner :) Dad/Roommate and I built the shelves a few years's strange how well they fit here! Also, no laughing at the's the best nap chair ever.
The finished hardwood. Initially, I wanted to stain it dark..then I saw how awesome the wood was all by itself.
Pretty big day. We moved enough stuff that I could actually use my garage! :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hello, New Neighborhood!

Well, my “How to Hang Trim Around Windows and Doors” educational session had to be pushed back from last night due to other scheduling issues, so we moved furniture instead!
When everything you own is piled around you waiting to be moved, it seems like you have quite a bit of stuff. When you move it into a full-size, grown up house, you realize you don’t, in fact, have any living room furniture aside from a borrowed recliner and a couple of bookshelves and the majority of your belongings are actually just old copies of “This Old House” magazine. Not to say there’s anything wrong with that..I have no business reclining or reading magazines now, I should be finishing projects.
But it does make me wonder what the hell I’m going to do with all of this space..

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What to do, what to do...

Depending on everyone’s schedule this evening, I’ll either be learning how to properly hang trim or STARTING TO MOVE FURNITURE! J